Unlock the Benefits of Outdoor Exercise and Recreation in Ellisville, Mississippi

The City of Ellisville has partnered with AARP to provide access to FitLot spaces for exercise & recreation. These spaces are designed to be accessible & welcoming to all ages & abilities.

Unlock the Benefits of Outdoor Exercise and Recreation in Ellisville, Mississippi

Are you looking for outdoor spaces to stay active, connect with neighbors, and proactively take care of your health in Ellisville, Mississippi? Look no further! The City of Ellisville has partnered with AARP to provide access to FitLot spaces for exercise and recreation. These spaces are designed to be accessible and welcoming to all ages and abilities. They feature a variety of fitness equipment, including strength training machines, cardio machines, and agility ladders. There are also instructional materials available to help users get the most out of their workouts. The City of Ellisville has several FitLot locations throughout the city.

Each location offers something unique, from outdoor basketball courts to walking trails. The city also offers a variety of programs and activities at each location. These include group fitness classes, nutrition workshops, and even yoga classes. All of these activities are designed to help people stay active and healthy. The FitLot model is an innovative response to the challenges posed by lifestyle-related health problems, growing public health disparities, and unequal access to quality fitness equipment and instruction.

It provides a safe and welcoming environment for people of all ages and abilities to exercise and connect with their community. With the help of AARP, the City of Ellisville is committed to providing access to quality outdoor spaces for exercise and recreation. So if you're looking for outdoor spaces to stay active, connect with neighbors, and proactively take care of your health in Ellisville, Mississippi, look no further! The City of Ellisville has several FitLot locations throughout the city that offer something unique for everyone. With a variety of fitness equipment, instructional materials, programs, and activities available at each location, it's easy for people to stay active and healthy.

Teddy Applegate
Teddy Applegate

Certified coffee lover. Wannabe web advocate. Freelance tv scholar. Passionate social media specialist. Hardcore travel junkie. Infuriatingly humble bacon specialist.